How do you ensure tournaments are fair?
We have a list of structured requirements for machines to follow. Any aftermarket changes to a machine must be made known prior to a tournament being scheduled. Each others machine must be made available via in person or video call to the opposing machine owner. This means opening it up and showing easily viable components.
What happens if a machine is not made available to view prior to a tournament?
The match up is called off and game play does not start.
What happens if at the end of the tournament
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
When are the tournaments scheduled?
Once two competitors is identified, a schedule is opened up to find time that works best for the machine owners. Each machine owner is responsible for coordinating with those in their local area for attending.
Do the tournaments have to be in separate locations?
No, Deep 6 arcade frequently hosts in person tournaments. With multiple physical arcade locations and games all over. The space for each tournament depends on the physical location of the game being used.
Who judges the tournaments?
The owners of the machine(s) involved in tournament play are responsible for capturing scores. Just like boxing, scores are compared at the end of play. If scoring cannot be agreed on, the tournament is deemed to fall in the “basement” category.
“Basement” is considered the archives for sanctioned tournaments that are questionable in results.
Deep 6 Arcade holds true to storing as much data as made available for the ever lasting protection of the game.
What can you win?
While the prizes change from game to game, the one thing you can count on is having your results posted on the Deep 6 website. As a globally ranked website, you can ensure your victory is well known in and beyond the pinball / arcade community all around the world.
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